Never has there been a more important time to listen, understand and respond.

We have all gripped up the fact that we are in for an extended JOURNEY around this coronavirus disruption… there are going to be humps and bumps in this journey for all our stakeholders – customers, employees and partners.

Never has there been a more important time to listen, understand and respond, but equally, resources are getting squeezed like never before. And there’s no doubt good listening is good to do, but also good business.

Here’s a practical idea that’s easy to execute…

Let’s pick up on the principles of journey mapping, lean and growth hacking all together. What could you achieve by complementing your current voice of customer/ NPS/ VOE (which is likely feeling a whole lot less fitting than what is was just a couple of months ago) with a highly focussed ‘sprint’ that follows and responds over the next months to the individual journey of the people who are key to you, no matter the stakeholder group? Maybe it’s ten people, maybe it’s 10,000.

Run the sprint with the aim to get these key people to help you to help them by sparking a conversation that allows you to listen and support them on their journey. You’d touch base more regularly than usual, take an open voice approach (because who can anticipate what the concerns are going to be?) and ask the same questions each time. That will build a longitudinal story about what is changing with your key stakeholders and why; a running record of what you did to respond and the promises you’ve made; and at next touch base, whether your actions have had a positive impact or not on how they feel.

And choose a fitting, more personal medium for sending the questions- the typical key-board on-line approach just won’t cut the mustard. Put a human channel at the front of the customer experience with a digital human Feedback Avatar – a conversational AI with personality, who provides emotional connection, greater accessibility and increased engagement.

Basically, it’s personal journey care made easy and authentic for companies.

We’d love to hear what you think.

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